
If you aren’t sure about your editing needs, or if you’re seeking guidance on navigating the often confouding process of publishing a book, set up a consultation. We’ll discuss the fundamental components of your project, your process, and your goals. We’ll also offer advice such as how to outline and draft a book, compose a query letter and/or proposal, share strategies for querying literary agents, and more.  

Manuscript editing:

A concise and instructive assessment concerning the fundamental components of your manuscript, such as voice and style, structure, plot and pacing, thematic development, characterization, dialogue, and more. This may be most helpful to writers who have completed an early draft of a manuscript and are seeking direction for the revision process, or to writers who have received a fair amount of feedback about their mansucript but are feeling stuck, or to writers simply seeking a fresh perspective from someone whose ex once told her she was rigorous as hell. It wasn’t a compliment, but she was flattered nonetheless.

  • A lengthy and comprehensive written assessment to guide the revision process
  • Broad margin comments to point out discrete issues
  • A phone conference to discuss the assessment and next steps

Intensive: An assessment (as described in the Primary package) as well as a sentence-by-sentence edit of your manuscript to highlight and correct minute issues, such as chapter structure, syntax, inconsistency, tense agreement, and more. This package is best for writers who have already completed a substantial revision and are seeking assistance polishing their voice and style, or for writers who have revised to the point of revulsion, or for those who simply relish the agony and satisfaction of producing a perfect sentence. 

  • A lengthy and comprehensive written assessment to guide the revision process
  • Extensive margin comments to point out discrete issues
  • Line edits to elevate each sentence
  • Correspondence during the revision process

Other editorial services:Coaching
Query letter editing
Proposal editing
Copy editing

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